Monday’s Reality

The alarm had sung it's final song. My hand reached over to the phone and my blurry eyes checked the time. "Aww Crap!". I swiped the screen, whipped the covers off and stumbled through my morning in as big a rush as my body and mind could afford. It is Monday. And I am late.

When the first words out of a mouth on a Monday morning are "aww crap" there may be a need for an adjustment. Sure, maybe I need to go to bed earlier. But somewhere along the way I lost the practice of waking in whispered thanks. Somehow my heart had a shift where my first thoughts stopped becoming about my Maker. A thousand excuses could be made, but I'd rather just begin again. And it must begin with my attention. My thoughts and actions steering toward the One I want to live and breathe and wake for. 

This morning, I blew it, but today I can begin to reposition and refocus on the goodness and glory of my Heavenly Daddy, whispering praise due His name...these are the practices of gratitude that will begin to shift my heart to wake with gratitude!


When the Weary Find Home


You’re Listening, Right?