Giving Up in 2016

Turning the corner to a new year gives such a feeling of renewal, doesn't it? Like a second wind kicking in to fuel us on. An energy that has some of us resolving big things and others gaining a clarified vision for their fresh slate. For me, I feel that energy swelling up, I feel the excitement of the clean slate, I feel on mission for some small changes (the big ones just bring overwhelm!). But I don't have the optimistic resolve because there's a cynical expectancy. I know myself. I know how weak I am. I know I'll be willing to push important things to the back burner, misuse my time, over-schedule my life, and allow unimportant things to drown out the whisper of the holy God. I know this about myself. And so I have decided to give up in 2016. Give up my fluff to be a better person and give in to the One who is shaping me. Give up the control to my schedule and give in to the One who numbers my days. Give up my plans and allow His purposes to prevail. 

When I live life surrendered, I finally live. I want more of that in 2016!


An Invitation With A Lofty Direction


Come & Sit